A Lesson of Romans Road To Salvation

In my first post the Road Starts Here I explained that there were 3 spiritual guided ways to your salvation: Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification. I explained that you must understand that God did not send His Son to condemn the world but to save it, (John 3:17) to cleanse us of our sins. He in His Mercy and Grace had a plan to save His creation from perishing, being set free from the Wrath of God.

Everything has a beginning and the beginning started from Genesis when Adam and Eve sinned against God in the Garden of Eden Genesis 3:1-6, God held Adam responsible for the sin they committed for He created him first, Adam was under the Godhead, then Eve, Adams helpmate, she was the weakest link if you will, she even explained to Satan that God said that they could eat of any fruit of the trees, but the fruit of the trees that is in the midst of the garden, God said they shall not eat of it or touch it or they will surely die, Genesis 1:2-3 and Satan tempted her to go against God, by persuading her by saying did God really say you shouldn’t eat from any tree in the garden? Genesis 3:1 He knows if you do your eyes will be opened and you will be as gods.(simply saying you will be like God Himself) but she had a choice, instead she took the bait and ate from what was forbidden and then gave Adam a bite as well, so they’re eyes were opened and now they see, and they saw that they were naked, so in shame they hide from God, They are now separated from Him because they were disobedient and sinned against God. When God asked Adam, who told you, you were naked, Genesis 1:11 He immediately blamed Eve, by saying the one who you gave to me, she’s the one that gave me the fruit and I ate it. Genesis 1:12 So let’s just look at this whole scenario, just within this piece of scripture we have a better understanding now how sin and evil has entered the world and is still and has always been a part of this world until this very day, and God has not then nor is He now pleased with sin and evil in His presence or in His Kingdom. In these scriptures from Genesis, these are the first fruits of sin.

  •  Deception and Lies, satan is the father of all lies, John 8:44 he is here to kill, steal, and destroy, John 10:10 and he prowls around like a roaring lion to see who he can devour 1 Peter 5:8-10 he is the prince of this world, 2 Corinthians 4:4 and he tries to separate us from God. In this world today humanity has deceived each other, we lie, and we cheat, and our heart is not in the right place. In Genesis 1:4, God had to separate the light from the darkness
  • Contemplating doing wrong, by doing something that you know you shouldn’t be doing, but because they see an opportunity to deceive others, like Eve saw an opportunity to be like God, It was her desire to be wise like God, the Bible says in Jeremiah 17:9 that the heart is deceitful above all things; and desperately wicked: who can know it?
  • Disobedience it is going against God, it is being rebellious and not trusting Him that He knows what is good for you  Adam and Eve were disobedient towards God, and because of it they were cast out of the Garden, they were separated from God and His presence, it can be life altering when you want to do what you want to do without the guidance of the God.
  •  Shame and Guilt was the outcome of Adam and Eve’s disobedience, they now saw each other’s nakedness, they were vulnerable, they were ashamed, they hid from God, they were outside the will of God. Not a nice feeling, the same as today we do things that will cause shame and guilt to ourselves, families, and friends, because of our actions, the consequence of our sins. Genesis 1:7-9
  • Fear has entered, they are afraid to see God because of their nakedness, they were in His perfect will and now    they feared Him, In Proverbs 1:7 it says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, I don’t know about you, but if I feel like I have done something, said something or thought something that wasn’t of God I’m repenting for it, and asking God to create in me a clean heart, Psalm 51:10-12, and God is faithful and just to forgive you. 1 John 1:9
  • Blame When God asked Adam who told him he was naked and asked if he had eaten from the tree that God had forbidden him to eat? Adam blamed Eve for his actions, and this is what we as mankind always do, instead of taking responsibility for what we do we always find ourselves putting the blame on others. Proverbs 28:13 states if you cover your sin, you will not prosper, but if you confess it and leave it, they will have mercy. Genesis 1: 12

 Accusations The Lord God asked Eve what is it that you have done? And she accused Satan of charming her, persuading her, deceiving her to eat of the tree. We get around certain people that are up to no good, and they know that they can persuade you into doing something that is not of God or in Gods will for your life, and then once you or the group of friends or family members or whoever that persuaded you to join in their quest of evil and sin once you all get caught everyone now is accusing each other and telling on each other instead of owning up to what they did    1Corinthians 15:12, speaks about not being deceived, that bad company corrupts good habits, so we have to have discernment and be mindful of the company we keep.

So, since the beginning of time we were in sin, God cursed satan, Adam and Eve and the ground which is the earth, and we would work for the food which we are to eat for the rest of our days. (Genesis 3:17)

I am explaining all this so that you can get a picture of how it all started, when God says we were born in sin, this is what He is saying. God the Infinite Being that sits out of time, the Creator of Earth and all things in it, had a perfect paradise for all to live in, When He decided to make man, Genesis 1:27, so God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him: male and female created He them, we were perfect beings living in the Garden of Eden, until Adam and Eve disobeyed God which He gave warning to them, “Eat of this fruit and you shall surely die” They were dead spiritually all the evil and sin that they have just committed has now tainted them and the human race, in other words they have spoiled it for all of us, so because we come from them, by the way Adam named Eve, because she is the mother of all the living. God because He loves us so much didn’t want us to perish knowing that sin and evil has entered the world. A Disclaimer: First, I want to say don’t put God in a box, don’t conform His ways with your ways and your thoughts His thoughts, Isaiah 55:8-9, God is Almighty, All Powerful, All Knowing, and I can go on and on. I always hear people say, that God couldn’t possibly come down in flesh, that He doesn’t have a Son named Jesus Christ, and why would He need someone to do what He could do Himself. Well I can tell you that God Is a Holy deity, that means He is separated and set apart from this world, He is unstained by sin and evil, so people forget that this world was and is full of sin and evil and God Himself cannot  dwell in such a place, An Analogy, that’s like you are walking down the street and you trip and fall into a bunch of snot and blood and corpses, how would you feel? and the snot doesn’t come off of you, so see God had to be born into this world. So God is God all by Himself and He can do the unthinkable what are little minds can’t even fathom.

 The Godhead is made up of

The Father, which                         is GodThe Son, which is Jesus ChristThe Spirit which is the Holy Spirit

 God had to send His Son Jesus Christ into this world as the second Adam. He had to save His creation from destruction and the wrath that we so deserve, In Ephesians 2:1-3, explains that by nature we were the children of wrath, but because of Jesus Christ, who was holy, righteous and was without sin, became sin to be sin for us. Hallelujah Praise God.   

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