
About In god's corner

Where We Pray and Receive
Where We Listen and Obey
Where We Encourage and Uplift

One day the Spirit of God placed this name “In Gods Corner” on my heart, at the time I didn’t know what I would make of it, but I knew I wanted to reach God’s people, I had an encounter with the Lord and He said I would be His messenger to reach people through my life’s experiences, and I knew that my life had been a life of struggles and challenges both internally and physically.

I am also a woman that loves to write and journal, I best express myself and my thoughts by putting it in writing. So whatever God places on my heart to write about I research it, and I let the Lord guide me and use me for His Glory.

Through my experiences I realized that I could reach other women that may have or are going through similar challenges such as abuse, acceptance, rejection, depression, etc. we can and will find that Blessed hope in the Lord Jesus Christ that we are looking for in Titus 2:13.

In God’s Corner is a faith-based platform in which women can come and get connected with Jesus Christ our Savior, women that have been abused and misused through life’s challenges, trials and tribulations, a place of solace, a place to find courage and triumph through Our Lord Jesus Christ.

 This blog is devoted to believers with a personal connection to Jesus Christ, as well as those starting their faith journey and non-believers alike. Its purpose is to share testimonies and biblical insights and truths through God’s word, affirming that Jesus Christ is the Messiah who has come to redeem souls for
God’s Kingdom. 

We together can learn and grow through prayer, faith and hope In Gods Corner

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