Greetings and Blessings Beloved on Today, I wish to discuss the word.
On April 13, 2024, I felt moved by the Spirit of God to read the Book of Hebrews
The Lord gave me a small snapshot of what it would feel like if I turned away from God and went back to my old ways, it was like I stepped in for just a second and came back out feeling chaos and a disconnect, Lately, I have been grappling with some issues, going back and forth in my thoughts about certain situations that I've been facing and going thru, dealing with a lot of rejection and being singled out, just trying to fit in in my new surroundings. I've also been pondering on whether I'm in alignment with my spiritual journey in Christ, (I know most of you can relate to this)
I do admit I've been feeling hopeless, and my mind has also been flooded with questions like am I doing too much or too little?
God is so good to me by guiding me when I am going through some things, and I am so glad I can share my experiences with you.
Sharing my experiences with fellow believers could offer guidance on their paths as well. God does however deal with each one of us differently,
But we all share the same goal and that is to be more Christ-Like, learn from Him and endure till the end.
Any insights I provide to uplift others are shared in good faith and love.
The author of Hebrews is unknown, the author however knew the audience had knowledge of the Old Testament and Greek language.
The audience of the letter in the Book of Hebrews is believed to have been Jewish Christians who faced persecution for their faith in Jesus Christ.
Many were killed or imprisoned, and some renounced their faith and abandoned it possibly going back to Judaism as a result.
The Book of Hebrews starts off with the Supremacy and Power of Jesus Christ and warnings about leaving the faith.
In the Old Testament God spoke through Prophets in various times and ways about His Son Jesus Christ they were to declare the Word of God,
In these last days God has spoken through His Son Jesus Christ, Hebrews 1:1-2
John 1:17reads for the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
After the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ He has been seated at the right hand of the Father in Heaven with All Power in His Hand.

Jesus' Deity and Warnings
(Old Testament), when God sent His angels as messengers, their words and actions were true and binding. Similarly, the Law given by Moses was true and binding Exodus 20, and breaking any one of the Ten Commandments was punishable by death, as breaking one was akin to breaking them all.
God's people, including the High Priest, had to perform sacrifices and atonements for their sins to avoid God's wrath.
God sent His Son to Earth, where He favored humans above the angels for the sake of their humanity. In human form, He experienced our trials and tribulations, understanding our feelings, so that we might approach Him, so that He might become our merciful and faithful High Priest. Hebrews 2:17
John 1:14 states, "And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen His glory, the glory as of the Father's only Son, full of grace and truth."
Considering this, how much more should we value the gift of Salvation through His Son's message, which offers Love and Hope in Jesus Christ?
By enduring our challenges, we maintain faith that Jesus Christ holds all power to deliver us from any adversity we encounter.

This lets us know that Jesus Christ is the High Priest and rules over all things which is on earth and in Heaven,
Jesus is above all our situations, persecutions and circumstances that we have faced or will ever face in our lives, and we have to hold on to this truth.
Jesus Christ is our center focus.
This leads me to the realization that without Jesus Christ, I am nothing; I cannot do anything apart from Him. He holds the power in His hands, and this reminds me that we must put into action the Word of God in our lives, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truths.
Hebrews 4:12 states, "For the word of God is alive and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
However, if I may be honest, while we believe His Word and know it to be true, there is still a degree of unbelief within us.
We are accustomed to handling our issues in our own way, often not waiting on the Lord for instruction or guidance, which is a form of unbelief,
I too am guilty of this.
God instructs us to be patient and wait on Him, but we, in our limited understanding, tend to rush ahead of God, and, inevitably, our plans lead to disaster. It is only then that we turn to God, hoping He will rectify the situation, The Good News is that through our situations, God wants us to trust Him and believe in our hearts that He will fulfill His promises so that we can endure till the end.
Hebrews 3:8 contains a caution against unbelief, urging God's people not to harden their hearts as they did during the rebellion in the wilderness.
Their defiance led them to wander for 40 years and miss entering God's rest, they had to endure their hardship until they eventually saw victory.
Similarly, if we are disobedient and ignore God's Word like the Israelites, we too will not enter into God's rest. We may find ourselves in a 'wilderness' season, undergoing tests and trials. Often, we attribute our troubles to the enemy's actions, but the prince of this world holds no sway over God's people. We are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, who leads us into all truth and righteousness. In reality, it is God who tests us to see if we are proving ourselves faithful, passing His tests. Therefore, when we hear His voice and His commands, we must be obedient, believe, and trust in Jesus Christ.
So, thru your trials, tribulations and circumstances remember God is and will always be with you to endure them till the end
God Bless You I pray this post blesses someone to keep the faith and don't give up thru all you go through,
knowing that Jesus Christ can pull you out and you can Endure by the mighty works of His Hands
If this has blessed you please leave a comment!!!!

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