3 Spiritual Components to your Salvation
Firstly, we must understand that God did not send His Son to earth to condemn anyone here on this planet that He made.
Salvation means being saved from the wrath of God due to our sins in this world, it means we are now restored and saved by the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, it means we are free from sin, we no longer live under the law, but we live under the grace of Jesus Christ, God in His mercy has offered this gift to us freely, to anyone that believes and accepts His son Jesus Christ.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Firstly, we must understand that God did not send His Son to earth to condemn anyone here on this planet that He made.
In my previous blog post 3 Spiritual Components to your Salvation, I explained that there were 3 spiritual guided ways to our Salvation:
Romans Road to Salvation, is a series of Scriptures in the Book of Romans that explains of Gods Divine Plan of Salvation through His Son Jesus Christ's death and resurrection, it is imperative that we know and spread The Great Commision that God has planned for His people.