The Spirit of Rejection One day at a time 4/1/24
Rejection is when one is deemed unworthy of the acceptance by another.
This subject is deeply personal to me; it feels like my entire life has been marked by not just abandonment but also rejection. I've faced rejection from those I loved and respected. Before writing this, I prayed for God to grant me the knowledge, wisdom, and the right words to share with you. For those enduring the pain and agony of rejection, we can find comfort and direction in the scriptures, which teach us how to overcome rejection through Jesus Christ.
I often say it's a learning process that we must endure, but the true victory lies in knowing that through our Lord Jesus Christ, we shall overcome and be freed from the spirit of rejection.
From my earliest memories, I've felt rejection in my life, from friends and family members who were unaware that I felt out of place all the time, that I didn't fit into their perfect world. I was always second-guessing myself, trying to avoid mistakes for fear of criticism and shame.
As a child, I understood my position; I was always second. It was as if I was constantly seeking acceptance from those who assumed the role of my parents.
I didn't understand much about God. I did attend Catholic School where they spoke of God, but I was too young to truly comprehend.
Rejection wasn't my only struggle; I also faced abandonment and betrayal.
My life transformed in ways I couldn't understand, and as I matured, I realized I had been violated as a young girl. Confronted with betrayal, I stayed silent, frozen by the fear that no one would even believe me and the repercussions that might ensue. I felt trapped, carrying this secret all my adult life that overwhelmed me. Alone with my tears, I pondered:
Why? What is it about me that is so different?
I felt unworthy of love, accepting whatever affection I received

The Disconnect
The Spirit of Rejection will have you disconnected with reality, you will feel lost and confused, always on the defensive side, always on survival mode, you become prudent, anal always being careful of your every move not wanting to upset the next person
you will feel like no one wants to be bothered with you or want you.
You will expect high expectations of your loved ones, friends or the people you associate with and when those expectations are not met,
rejection will grip you and take you on a downward spiral of pain, sadness, stress and distress.
This is when the Spirit of Rejection seeped into my life
This spirit has been a part of my life, it grew up and attached itself to me as I grew up into my adulthood, it formed a barrier around me that always had me feeling like I just wanted to be loved and accepted, a sense of security. I just wanted someone to care for me and I for them and love me with all honesty and sincerity, something that I was missing from childhood, on the flip side it will also make you second guess yourself, afraid of failing in the eyes of others.
I just wanted to be myself around others and not feel like I had to be someone else in order for me to fit in
but instead, I was faced with more abuse more rejection and more unworthiness.
Rejection tends to add on resentment towards others, bitterness, jealousy, depression, low self-esteem. unworthiness, people pleasers,
bad choices in the relationship department to where if someone even says they love you or shows you just a little bit of time and affection you will fall easily only to be taken advantage of, used and disappointed.

Learning to defeat the spirit of rejection through Jesus Christ
We as believers are a new creation,
Jesus Christ's death on the cross and resurrection addressed all of our past sins, worries, and pain. Although He did not promise an absence of challenges, I understand that we should not dwell in them and let it become our stronghold in our life. I also recognize that He utilizes our trials and tribulations to prepare us for our growth and our ministry. It became clear to me that experiencing rejection was necessary to be ready for God's plan in my life.
to equip me and build me up for such a task, He also allows these things for us to depend only on Him and Him alone.
God has to empty all that we carried in our past and replace it with His Spirit, His way and His love
I do know that I have been chosen to do Gods work and be a light to those who are in darkness,
God has shown me through my situations who He has made me to be, so therefore I still will endure and persevere, even if it hurts me to my core.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
I have to always keep in mind that He is the author in our lives not man, He is the one that fashioned us for His glory.
Jesus was also rejected.
Jesus was also, by the Pharisees, rejected by the Jewish leaders and was put to death, they thought they had the victory, but God resurrected Him from the grave, and He possessed all power in His hand and gave Him authority over all things in the Heavens and the Earth.
As you come to Him, the living stone rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to Him; You also like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood offering, spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
So, if we are in Christ we to are going to go through rejection; but LOOK at what the scripture says we also are like living stones and even though we will be rejected by man, God has chosen us, and we are precious to Him, I had to learn that I let it take control of me, I have to take control of it.
Jesus was even rejected in His hometown where He came from Matthew 13:53-58
This shows us rejection can come from your family members and friends' people that you are close to that know you, people that will tell you that you don't know what you're talking about to make you feel inadequate and will downplay you.
I also realize that if we are in Christ Jesus we will go through just for His name's sake.
For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake,
What did Jesus do when He was rejected?
- He knew He had to continue and complete His mission, so He stayed the course. (Endurance)
- He trusted God regardless of His circumstance. (Faith)
- He prayed continually. (Being Consistent)
- He displayed humility at all times. (Sacrifice and Obedience)
Rejection and Abandonment usually comes from childhood traumas, that were not addressed and just carried on adding more spirits along the way,
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
This is the enemies' job to steal, kill, and destroy God's chosen ones, so we have to be vigilant and soberminded to know that yes opposition, rejection and abandonment will present itself, but we have to have faith and trust in God, pray continuously, and continue to stay humble in the process.
present your body as a living sacrifice unto God, which is your reasonable service,
allowing Jesus Christ to work out every single spirit that has attached itself to you and finally be delivered from it.
And finally remember you are a son and or daughter of the Most High God and no matter the opposition,
God will see you through deliver you and set you free.
I am learning that my rejection is a sign that I am set apart and realize that not everyone is going to like me or except what I say, but I still have to do what God tells me, regardless of what others think or say about me.
I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.]
Stay connected with Jesus Christ pursue a relationship with Him
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