3 Spiritual Components to your Salvation

Published on 1 January 2024 at 16:24

Introduction to the beginning of my Salvation

tree leaves

Firstly, we must understand that God did not send His Son to earth to condemn anyone here on this planet that He made.

Secondly, we must understand that God sent His Son here on this earth

that He made to save it from sin,

It is ANYONE that would believe and accept Him as Lord and Savior.

Thirdly, Sin CAN NOT enter the Kingdom of Heaven

1 Corinthians 6:9-20) explains this.

 For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:17 

My passion is for all to see and understand this big picture that God Himself in His mercy and grace for us has designed it in His Infinite way for His creation to be reconciled back to Him.

Amen, Praise Be to God.

No matter what you have done or have been through in your life or are going through at this very minute!!! God loves you and wants to change your situation and save you He wants to be a part of your life to prosper you and to keep you.

In Jeremiah 29:11, the Bible declares 

For I know the plans I have for you”—this is the Lord’s declaration— “plans for your well-being, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

 If you Repent for your sins, believe that God has sent His Son to wash away your sins, believe that He died and was resurrected on the 3rd day, and accept Him into your heart by confessing with your mouth that He is Lord and Savior, you have now been reborn again and saved.

  God is not a man that He should lie, or the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall He not do it? Or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good? Numbers 23:19

So, see God Will do what He said He will do.

His word does not come back void 

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 55:11 

You my beloved Can trust and believe in God 


crossed hands

Transparent Moment

My testimony on how the enemy tried to keep me from thinking I wasn't saved. 

On my previous blog post Repentance, I explained how Our Father drew me to a true repentance after I was saved and had backslid This is just a recap of that blog post in addition to the attack of the enemy trying to deceive me.

I have been saved and baptized since 2014, my walk with God at first was full of doubt and confusion, trying to find myself in the Lord was difficult for me, I did however find myself leaving the church for 5 years being a rebellious child not surrendering fully to Christ or in better terms not surrendering at all. Fast Forward to 2018, God had me in a such a way, that I had to repent of all that I have done within those 5 years, I mean crying on my knees, face down, and after I had done that, I felt a  deliverance from the enemy and he knew he had to leave my life, it was an experience I will never forget. I left that situation behind only to be in another but of no fault of my own this time, I started being attacked spiritually, the enemy started working in others that were close to me.

Fast Forward to 2000-2021, Now I’m living with my sister and I’m working, and all is good so far, I am hearing from God, praying , reading His Word and trying to stay on this path called Faith and trust in my Lord, trying to still find my way in the Lord, but still yet a part of me was still struggling with complete submission, one day I was watching something on my phone and a question was discussed about "Can you lose your salvation"? So, what they were saying was yes you can, so now the enemy starting talking to me and started accusing me of all the things I had done in my life, he started to tell me that yes I was going to hell, that I had to live up to a standard for God, he put fear in my heart, not remembering, satan the enemy is the accuser of the brethren, In Revelation 12:10, The Bible lets us know that the defeated dragon, which is satan is the accuser of our brothers and sisters, he accuses us day and night before our God. Even though I have been praying, reading, journaling, and hearing from God, the enemy still found his way into my mind, I started bawling crying, I think I stayed up half the night praying with this on my mind still crying begging and asking God to forgive me and found myself re-repenting all my sins I have done.

God the Father came to my rescue and spoke to me in 2 words

I was defeated by the enemy, but God came and spoke to me with 2 words, Justification and Sanctification,

  1. Justification is the action by God where you are completely rectified and found not guilty of your sins and will not face the penalty and the wrath of God.  Glory Hallelujah, He declares us righteous in His sight.
  2. Sanctification is the action of making or declaring something Holy. Even though we are justified we still face oppositions that are against us, but by the power of The Holy Spirit, He is there to correct us, guide us, and convict us and bring us back to the Father.
  3. In Addition to us being Justified and Sanctified, God takes us to a state of Glorification and that's when we will be free from all sin here on earth it is when God will give us glorified bodies when He returns for His church, and we will live with Him for eternity. Glory to God!!

So, I learned that God was trying to tell me that before I gave my life to Him, I was indeed under Condemnation, which means the expression of very strong disapproval; under Gods wrath, but when I accepted Jesus Christ

I am now Justified through my faith in Him, once I gave my life to Him, He has made me whole, He has forgiven me of my sins, the penalty that I had on my life through my sins are now forgiven, through Christ Jesus.

Romans 8:1, Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,

 I am Sanctified through the process in which God now can cleanse me I now have been set apart and brought back to God. I now take on to be Christ like and be made holy like He is holy. 1 Peter 1:16

Yes, we may slip up at times, because we all fall short of the Glory of God, (Romans 3:23), and that I have the accuser (Satan) that may and will try to enter my mind and will try to tempt me to go against God and or accuse me and make me think I'm not worthy, (Remember also that our mind is the battlefield) but God is there to pick me back up, I still have to repent of the things that I may think, say, or do in this present time,

but knowing that God will forgive me through my

Repentance (which means to turn away from)

He still LOVES ME, and I am His.

 Remember: He has not come to condemn us, but to save us.

And the Most Amazing and Most Precious Act of Love is that I know that one day, I will see my Father in all His Glory and be reunited with Him with a Glorified Body that He has for me.

Your Salvation

YOUR SALVATION, is what’s important here, knowing where you will spend your eternity, knowing that God wants a relationship with you to save you from sin and most importantly GOD LOVES YOU, He has a plan, He is the plan, and the plan consists of YOU!!!!

Will you join His Family today?  Also Read   

 A Lesson on Romans Road to Salvation and The Romans Road to Salvation

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