My Gratitude to You Lord

Published on 14 January 2024 at 21:59

Glorious Father,

For You are worthy to be praised and exalted in all the earth and heaven, I can't thank you enough for how You take care of me, in my sinful days, before You came into my life, I didn't have a conscience Lord, my personality and behaviors were of the father of lies, I was ignorant to myself and the people around me, I say that Lord because I see Your mighty works in me, I see a change in me that I never knew I would see, You said in Your Word that we have to renew our mind we have to take captive our thoughts under the power of Jesus Christ, I do admit Lord it is a struggle but You are there to give me balance, I give all my battles to You, I just want to say Thank You.

In Jesus Name, Amen

a small candle with thank you

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