A Prayer for the Lost

Published on 24 January 2024 at 20:59

Father God,

I come to you today with a prayer of urgency, a petition to Your courts of Mercy for the lost, I pray that they get to know You Father and that they come to you to seek a relationship with You, I pray that they will one day accept Your free gift of Salvation You said in Your Word that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and that You came to seek and save the lost, take the veil off their eyes Lord God, so that they might see and taste Your goodness,  Help them find their way towards You, Lord continue to provide for them, make a way out of no way, keep them under Your protection and guide them also Lord bless those that are doing Your work of the Great Commission that You sent them out to do,

Your workers are sent out gather Your sheep unto You Oh Lord!

we are praying for a harvest of souls for Your Kingdom

In Jesus name Amen   

a man behind a glass

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