Affirmations and Declarations are spiritual tools to use to declare and degree the power of God's word in and on your life.
Affirmations is a statement of belief; while Declarations are statements of fact.
When we repeat something over and over again, it tends to become a part of our being, it is embedded into our minds and hearts, the Bible says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds Romans 12:2, so in order for us to move forward in this life in Christ, we have to have a renewed mind.
"You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And light will shine on your ways. "Job 22:28:
Transparent Moment
I have struggled with this in my Christian walk, me learning who I am in Christ, leaving the past behind and finding out that I am a daughter of the King first, before all the gifts and anointing, we are sons and daughters of God and the truth is at times I still struggle with this, I have been so hurt and rejected in my life that I can't sometimes see passed that God loves me, He created me and He wants to use me for His purpose and He has a plan for my life, I have to let go of some things and let God be who He is in my life, Like I said I am learning just as well as I'm sharing and through my afflictions and struggles I pray that not only can I at least reach one person for God's glory but that I can also reach myself in the process as well, so with that being said:
We are going to affirm and declare the Word of God and what the Bible says who we are and what we carry as children of God.
There are 10 Affirmations and Declarations below:
There are so many of these spirits filled Affirmations and Declarations if you have some to share, please leave it in the Comment Section
So, each day we are going to decree and declare these scriptures over our life in the morning when we rise and before we go to sleep.
I have accompanied scripture with each one so that you may read the word of God for your study time.
I am the head and not the tail.
Deuteronomy 28:13
I decree and declare that the Lord has made the head and not the tail and we shall be above and not beneath.
I am seated in heavenly places.
Ephesians 2:6
I decree and declare that God has raised me up and I now sit in the heavenly realm.
I am a child of God
Galatians 4:7
I decree and declare that I am a child of God and not a slave to sin
I am more than a conqueror.
Romans 8:37
I decree and declare that I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus that loves me.
I am a friend of God.
John 15:15
I decree and declare that I am not a slave but a friend of God.
I am created in God's image.
Genesis 1:26
I decree and declare that I am made in God's image and His likeness
I am not fearful.
Hebrews 13:6
I decree and declare that I am not fearful, that my Lord is my helper and redeemer.
I am blessed beyond measure
1 Timothy 1:14-15
I decree and declare that I am blessed according to God's riches and glory.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made
Psalm 139:14
I decree and declare that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God, He has woven me to His likeness
I am a chosen generation and a royal priesthood, holy and special.
1 Peter 2:9
I decree and declare that God has chosen me for such a time as this
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