The Bride of Christ 11/30/21

Published on 15 January 2024 at 20:22
bride standing at the door

"The Bride of Christ, Preserving Yourself, For the Lord thy God is aware of all things."

I think I mentioned in one of my posts that I was going through a tough time Spiritually in my faith with God, I was saved and baptized but was not fully surrendered.

Throughout my journey into adulthood, I’ve always been reserved—a bit of a loner, you might say. Struggling with deep trust issues, I found it hard to trust even God with my life. I felt as though I had to handle everything on my own, relying solely on myself and occasionally on others for support. In doing so, I often forgot to turn to the One to whom I had professed my life. My faith in God was lacking, and I didn’t fully surrender to His guidance.

I was guilty of Preserving Myself

In my research I have discovered that self-preservation is a sin, it is when we choose to put our own well-being, our safety, our comfort, our provisions, our plans and even our lives over the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit along with Jesus's commands in His Word.

Jesus said to the disciples in Matthew 16:25-26, For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?

We as believers including myself have to realize that our life is not our own anymore, we were bought with a price, and we no longer live for this world, but we live now for Jesus Christ. We pick and choose what is going to fit our agenda, what will protect us and what will please others so that we will not suffer hurt or pain, whether it be in ministry, relationships, in the church and most important with God

Faith vs Self Preservation:

Faith is the complete trust in Jesus Christ, " Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Hebrews 11:1 

When we use self-preservation the faith that we are to display by being the light of Jesus Christ will not grow, you will be stagnant because you are choosing to do things in your own will and not Gods will, you are now allowing the Spirit of doubt and double-mindedness to take its place and it will continue to take root in your life and control it as long as you continue to Self-Preserve,

My self-preservation came out of fear of man, being afraid of what they would think of me or what they would say about me and having no confidence in myself and not seeing how God sees me so there for I had no faith and trust in the Lord but in myself which I might add had gotten me no where


 I’m still navigating through this challenge, as my journey stems from a lifetime of rejection, abuse, shame, and guilt. However, I hold onto the assurance that through God’s grace and His strength, I will overcome. Ever since the Spirit of God revealed this truth to me, I’ve been declaring it over my life. It’s a work in progress, but I know I am walking in God’s will. I will continue to strive for a renewed mind in Jesus Christ, trusting that He is transforming me from within. He’s not finished with me yet. 

When you have faith in Jesus Christ it is complete surrender, it is being obedient to His commands, regardless of how you feel about it, we are His workmanship, created to do good works. In every decision that you have to make in this life, give it to Jesus and let Him rule over it, let Him have full control over it, and let Him take root in it, cultivate it and set you free

We are His masterpiece; He is the ruler of our lives.

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, and we should walk in them"

Ephesians 2:10

We have to denounce this concept of self-preservation by keeping our minds renewed daily, meditating on God's Word, and having a closer relationship with the Father

Ask the Lord to forgive you for not allowing Him to be ruler in your life, Fast, pray and worship.

God is aware of all things regarding our lives, He is so Merciful that He warns us of our shortcomings and gives us solutions to correct them. 


The Lord has convicted me of placing my own self above my commitment to trust in Him

On this day in prayer, I asked the Lord to forgive me, because I sinned against Him, I expressed to Him.

"If I can just get passed myself."

And He answered me, with this message, so I extend this message to anyone that has an ear to hear and is going through a season of self-preservation.

I pray that this message blesses you as it has blessed me. 





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