"You have to lose something in order to gain something."
"Pray through the storm"
"Freedom in the Spirit."
"I control your will"
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
I tell you God is so wonderful and amazing, I am always in awe of Him, and no one can tell me that God is not real or that He is not alive.
The messages that I hear from Holy Spirit sometimes are for me,
But I feel the urge at times to share with the Body of Christ how God would want me to, and to share with you my walk and experiences with Christ Jesus
for it is to encourage, uplift, exhort, build or tear down,
In this walk I also know that the enemy wants to quiet me, he wants to keep me from being who God has called me to be, the simplest thing as speaking, or praying in front of others, or just being free in the spirit, sometimes more than I would want to admit puts me in a wave of
anxiety, confusion, dizziness, and fear, it is the attack of my adversary
Previously, when I was more engaged with the world, I was bold and outspoken, never minding who I confronted. It didn't matter who it was; if anyone said something inappropriate, that I didn't like I would deal with it as the world expected me to.
I was accustomed to my ignorant ways and disrespect
(I’m not justifying it; I’m simply being honest about my flaws, both as a non-believer and as a person overall.)
Now that I am trying to be a good and faithful servant for Christ, it seems like everything is backwards,
Where is that boldness that I once had? Where did this fear come from? Why can't I trust anyone?
Why do I get tripped up when I speak?
I had mentioned on one of my blog posts that when I came back to Christ, He asked me,
Was I going to have boldness for Him like I had boldness for ignorance?

I asked God a question?
When I heard The Spirit of God, I asked Him what did I have to lose? I kept repeating it, and He finally answered me and said
This is why I say that God is Amazing,
I just did a Bible Study on 2/24/24, and during that Bible Study I realized that these spoken words from God the previous day was dealing with the issues that I am going through. and the Bible Study just confirmed it.
Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.
So, I realized that I had to lose myself in order to gain what God has for me, I had to stop being a people pleaser worrying what the next person would say or think about me

We are called to surrender complete control of our lives to God, placing our full trust in Him. Instead of fixating on the visible and tangible things of this world, we are invited to focus on the unseen spiritual realm. This is the true essence of faith and trust in Jesus Christ.
When Peter opposed Jesus' mission, it was Satan speaking through him, attempting to derail the work of God. Just as the enemy antagonized Jesus, he will also try to hinder us—those who are an extension of Christ, His workmanship. The same opposition Jesus faced will confront us as we walk in obedience to God's will.
What if Jesus had turned away from the mission God sent Him to accomplish? Humanity would have been lost without hope. Yet, Jesus remained faithful, providing us with the ultimate example of obedience and perseverance.
When Jesus rebuked Peter, He called him a stumbling block, pointing out that Peter's thoughts were limited to human concerns instead of God's divine plan. This serves as a reminder for us to align our perspective with God's, rather than being swayed by earthly limitations.
Adversaries will attempt to disrupt your faith, sowing seeds of doubt, fear, and insecurity. These tactics are designed to silence your voice and diminish your trust in God's purpose. Too often, we allow these lies to draw us into a worldly mindset, instead of standing firm in God's truth.
But God has declared that we are a new creation in Christ. The old has passed away, and everything has been made new.
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."
—2 Corinthians 5:17
Yet, many of us remain trapped in the lies of the enemy, clinging to old habits and doubts. To move forward in faith, we must let go of the past and allow God to be Lord over every aspect of our lives. True progress comes from surrendering our will and walking in obedience to His plan.
Following God’s path often requires sacrifice, but it leads to eternal blessings. Gaining your life in Christ brings ultimate victory.
When fear, anxiety, confusion, or discouragement arise, recognize that these are tactics of the enemy. Rebuke those thoughts and stand firm in the promises of God. Lean into prayer and His Word, knowing that He empowers you to overcome every challenge.
"Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed."
—John 8:36
To truly follow Christ, we must deny ourselves and let go of anything keeping us bound. Stop believing the lies of the enemy and instead immerse yourself in God’s Word to strengthen your spirit. As the Body of Christ, we have a purpose to fulfill for our Heavenly Father. Take heart, knowing that Jesus is interceding for us at the right hand of God.
"Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us."
—Romans 8:34
Be confident that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion, as promised in Philippians 1:6. Trust Him completely.
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