Learning Patience is the Key to Victory 4/20/24

Published on 29 May 2024 at 22:03
brown bench

The word Patience is connected to the Fruit of the Spirit; it displays being slow to anger and long suffering,

Transparent Moment

Ever since I lost my apartment in 2020, a mere two to three months after Covid struck, it was because I failed to establish boundaries with the individuals living with me. And so, once again, just after overcoming homelessness and being blessed with this apartment, I lost it. I had to move out. I was so hurt and upset that I simply packed my belongings into boxes and left, leaving behind the individuals who were living with me.

I just left it to them and moved to my relative's home, I felt as though I lost my way,

I felt a deep sense of shame and embarrassment. God entrusted me with the responsibility to nurture and protect His gifts, yet I failed. My kindness, carelessness, and willingness to let others dictate my life left me vulnerable.

I allowed others to take me for granted, and in doing so, I lost sight of the precious gifts I was meant to cherish.


While living with my relative I still was unhappy, even though I was grateful for my newfound living arrangements it just seemed like nothing was going as planned, I was always on survival mode, 

A scripture used to come to me all the time

After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace [who imparts His blessing and favor], who called you to His own eternal glory in Christ, will Himself complete, confirm, strengthen, and establish you [making you what you ought to be].1 Peter 5:10 

His Promise to me was so far away

In Genesis 2:15, The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.

God had taken Adam and placed Him in the Garden of Eden to take care of it, I could imagine the gift and blessings that came from that Garden and how beautiful it was, it was God's peace to Adam, and it was Adam's responsibility to steward and take care of it.


When God blesses you, it’s your responsibility to nurture and care for His gifts—whether it’s your home, your family, your health, or anything else He places in your life.


So, since that time in 2020 I have not had my own apartment as of yet, I have been living with relatives ever since and it hurts me to my heart that I don't have my own as of yet, it is my peace, The saying goes "it is nothing like your own" lately I have been feeling like I have lost my independence,

I am so yearning to be in a space of solitude and not on this survival mode. I want to say God already knows what you are going thru, but these are the lessons that you must learn for when you do get a blessing from God you will know how to handle and maintain it, you will treat it with respect knowing that it came from the Lord and He will get all the Glory for it.

So, I Said all that to say that God wants you to wait on Him, He has to teach us patience, patience allows us to overcome disappointments and misfortune

Since the year 2023 till now I have moved from New Jersey to Georgia living with my mom

Disclaimer: Don't get me wrong I am grateful for me being here in Georgia with my mom she has a beautiful home, and God gave me the confirmation to come here, but in my waiting and despair one day I was crying and feeling sorry for myself because of my situation, 

 Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me, saying: 

"Learning patience is the key to victory" 

I am constantly in awe of my Father. Time and time again, He provides me with words to live by, reminding me of His unwavering love and care.

Having Patience is an action word it is the ability to withstand your circumstances, it is to endure no matter how long it takes, it is a test of faith and trust in the Lord, we have to understand that God, like I said knows what we need, He knows our hearts desire, He knows what is best for us, we may want it right then and there but God views your situation from a higher perspective. His plans align with His will, not ours.

Romans 12:12

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Sometimes God has to delay what we desire or want, it is at times to protect us, or it is for us to mature in our faith, we always give satan the wrap thinking that we are not getting what we want because satan is standing in the way, but it is Our Father who sets forth our tests, He wants to see if we can we tolerate the waiting and weather the storm 


Patience and Faith vs. Impatience and Discord

In the Book of Genesis, we see that God promised Abraham and Sarah a son, an heir and through his descendants they will inherit the land of Cannan, but it was one problem Sarah and Abraham were old and could not bear children, it was accustomed that if a married couple couldn't have children, they had to adopt a servant in replacement of their first-born son, and Abraham told God you have given me no children so a servant will be my heir. Genesis 15:3,

But God told Abraham that his servant will not be his heir,

 the Bible says that Abraham was 75 years old when God made a promise to him Genesis 12:4

years were passing and still no son, if we were to put ourselves there what conversations would we be having? especially Sarah, we understand as women that, being advanced in age and beyond childbearing years, it would seem impossible I know if my husband, told me that God promised us a son and all these years I'm still waiting, my humanity would kick in and I would feel hopeless and more than likely my faith and trust in God would be debatable.

Yet, Abraham not only exhibited faith but also demonstrated patience in God.

Abraham believed what God said He was going to do, no matter how long it took.

Sarah on the other hand, was impatient to where she offered her servant Hagar to bare a son with Abraham, Genesis 16: 1-4

Abraham fathered a son with the servant Hagar and named him Ishmael. However, if Sarah had endured a bit longer, her impatience and discord towards her husband might not have led to her frustration and anger. 

She then got upset at Abraham for taking Hagar into his bed and threw Hagar and her son out 

but after 25 years of waiting, Abraham at the age of 100 years old finally, he and Sarah had a son an heir and God had fulfilled His promised 

Patience Reveals our Faith

It is the perseverance in difficult times, enduring our situations and circumstances with the trust in God that He will see it through and fulfill His promise that He has made to us.

So, if you are going thru a hardship, if you are waiting for that new job, that new apartment or house, or just a new start in life,

Start thanking God in advance for your break thru, give Him the glory for His Power and Promise, 

asking for His strength and endurance in the meantime.

His Promise to us in 1 Peter 5:10 will come to pass 

And remember, whatever you are going through, it is through our patience and faith in God that we find victory, knowing that

Jesus Christ will fulfill the promises He has made to you.

I hope this has blessed you please leave a comment below I would love your feedback 

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