My Story

In God I Trust

Where should I start? As we age, we begin to reflect on our lives and the journeys we’ve taken. For me, it’s been a series of ups and downs—my life has been a relentless struggle since the very beginning. I lost my mother when I was just two years old, only to discover this painful truth at thirteen. I endured sexual abuse as a young child, grew up in an environment of abuse between my parents, and found myself in abusive relationships throughout my teenage years and into adulthood. Throughout it all, I grappled with my identity, desperately trying to fit in by pretending to be someone else. I’ve faced depression and anxiety while losing touch with reality and feeling rejected every step of the way.

Throughout my life, I focused on pleasing others instead of discovering the peace and love I so desperately sought. I never established boundaries, which left me in constant mental anguish and an overwhelming sense of loneliness deep within.

I decided to turn away from my sins and surrender my life to the one who could save me—His name is JESUS CHRIST. Little did I know that God would use my struggles and experiences to inspire others, offering them hope by showing that He is a deliverer, a way maker, and a miracle worker.

As the days and years pass, I’m starting to grow more mature spiritually, He is teaching me not to focus on what man wants but what He wants, I am continually reminded that my trust should be placed in Jesus Christ. It is through Him that I discover my peace and hope, my strength and endurance, and my willingness to be more Christ-like. He governs my will and reigns over all things, including the trials and storms I’ve faced—and will continue to face. If I can touch even one person with my experiences and guide them toward Christ, all the angels in heaven will rejoice, and God will receive the glory.

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